Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An Organic Affair

This is one of my latest illustrations entitled "An Organic Affair' for an innovative product called 'Canvas Couch' in collaboration with nbt. STUDIO. I particularly enjoyed working on this piece as I had the freedom to conceptualize and artistically express my thoughts. The only condition was that it had to have an organic / eco feel in parallel with that of the sofa's material (more details about that below).

An Organic Affair is an abstract visual expression of my soul's growth represented as elements from nature. My soul is like that of a garden. In order for it to flourish and survive I must take care of every single part of it and feed it with what is necessary. In that way I feel my soul is connected with nature and resembles the growth of a plant.
When my soul is growing, awakening and expanding I feel I am unfolding, like a flower blooming in spring time or growing like the leaves  on a tree. A burst of positive energy begins to flow, growing and evolving organically as I move forth.
The Canvas Couch's  main feature reflects the sofa’s name as it is a venue for self-expression. Customers can either choose from a catalogue of art pieces or upload their own and have it printed using none toxic UV printing.
Also made of ICB (inverted Corrugated Board) and cushioned with natural latex upholstered with recycled PET fabric, the Canvas sofa can be shipped in very compact package of 70x90x43 cm and can be quickly assembled tool-free. For more information about Canvas Couch and more please visit http://nbtstudio.com/

Sim xo

Canvas Couch

Canvas Couch by nbt. STUDIO at the Salon Di Mobile Milano 2012

An Organic Affair

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Keep Calm...

Sim-mile! There are 101 reasons to smile. For starters the weekend is just around the corner! I've jotted down some of my favourite...

because we need it in this crazy life...
someone might be falling in love with your smile...
it costs nothing...
you have dazzling shiny teeth (*tiiiing*)...
the world will smile back at you...
the best is yet to come...

Keep smiling and happy weekend!

Sim xo

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Hi everyone! A very happy Easter to all of you out there celebrating and hope you're enjoying the long weekend despite the odd weather! Well to brighten up you're day a little, I've quickly designed this festive poster, by mistake. I've been itching to create a kawaii style character so I started sketching random characters and ended up with this little blue haired bunny. I wasn't planning on it but I love 'accidental' designs. Check out my  initial sketches below. In the meantime I'm going to fetch me some choco! Have fun!

Sim xo

Messing around, then the ears showed up

Ok so this is going to be an Easter thing. Build a Bunny game?? Umm no.

This was looking more like the Playboy bunny..

Nevertheless this was the final character skeleton I was going to build on.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Art of Saying Hello

I hardly ever receive any interesting business cards that stand apart from the rest. Although they serve their main purpose of providing relevant information, most cards have the same dull layout and average, if not cheap, printing quality. So for my new cards I decided to create a design that is unconventional, personal and represents self-expression. Basically, a keeper. I designed a digitally manipulated surreal self-portrait  (couldn't get more personal than this!) by combining my love for photography,  illustrations and surrealism, used it as a key visual to express my design character directly on card. Using a portrait is also a good idea since I am the direct interface with the receiver. As you can tell I've omitted my face, which perhaps may not help in remembering me, however the big hairdo is still there : ) I'm really pleased with the outcome especially the printing and paper quality which really makes all the difference.

Sim xo

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Website Alert

Hello everyone! I have once again disappeared for a while but all for a good cause. The website is now live and I'm really excited about sharing it with you! Hope you enjoy navigating through it and feel free to drop me a note with your feedback, design dilemmas or just to say hi!

Sim xo
